School of Activism, Georgia, Kobuleti, September 24-29, 2024
, 2024-08-27
A Czech NGO, Independent Social Ecological Movement – NESEHNUTI, and Georgian NGO Abkhazintercont are organizing a School of Activism in Kobuleti from September 24 to 29. The focus of the School is advocacy campaigning in the fields of: protection of the environment, climate, nature; public participation in the decision-making process (especially young people), free access...Read more
How to survive in a cyberspace and not go crazy
, 2024-04-11
In this cybersecurity training, we’ll introduce key concepts and tools that help protect personal and corporate data. We will discuss the CIA triad and its three core pillars: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Next, we’ll explore the security matrix and show how to use it to map and strengthen your security strategy. We also discuss identifying...Read more
Declaration of support for Armenian civil society against pressure from mining companies
, 2024-03-07
In recent years, Armenian civil society initiatives working on the environmental or human health impacts of intensive mining have increasingly faced pressure from mining companies. The forms of pressure include defamation, threats, as well as civil lawsuits against human rights defenders or environmental activists. We, together with international human rights networks and other civil society...Read more
Program of support for initiatives in Georgia 2023
, 2023-02-01
Czech NGO NESEHNUTÍ and a Georgian NGO Abkhazintercont invite you to participate in the civil society support program in Georgia and offer the opportunity to receive support for your civil campaigns and projects for the period from April 2023 till December 2023. Donor of the program: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Eligible...Read more
Joint statement by Arnika and NESEHNUTÍ on the plan to expand the gold mine in the Armenian settlement of Karaberd
, 2022-11-07
With this joint statement by the two organizations Arnika and NESEHNUTÍ, we respond to the latest developments in the Karaberd settlement in the Lori region of Armenia, where public hearings on the plan to expand the gold mining operations in Karaberd are being held on the November t 04.11.2022.  November 4, 2022 Given the circumstances...Read more
Summer School of Activism in Georgia
, 2022-10-01
What has become absolutely clear is that strengthening a country’s democracy means creating an environment in which a new generation of leaders and activists can engage in open discussions and influence decision-making. A more active and informed segment of the youth can contribute to the implementation of reforms in the country, provided they are well-informed,...Read more
Support for civil society in Ukraine: timeline
, 2022-09-30
Since the beginning of full-scale invasion of Russian armed forces into Ukraine which started on 24 February 2022, NESEHNUTI and its programme The Initiative Way has been providing various kinds of support for representatives of civil society in Ukraine. See a timeline of selected actions of support on a donation page. Help us save the...Read more
In Focus: The Continuing Efforts to Provide Humanitarian Support For Ukraine
, 2022-09-26
Provision of drinking water for the most vulnerable, assistance to victims of sexual violence commited by Russian soldiers, evacuation of Crimean Tatars, and the supply of material aid corresponding to the needs of Ukrainian civic organizations. These are just some of the ways that Brno non-profit organization NESEHNUTÍ is helping Ukraine. The motivation to lend...Read more
International Barcamp on Public Participation in Climate Change Solutions
, 2022-09-20
The project “International Barcamp on Public Participation in Climate Change Solutions” is part of a long-term cooperation between 7 partners from Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Czechia, Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine with main aim: to present possible pro-climate measures at municipal level by offering new solutions to the fight against climate change and raising awareness of environmental...Read more
Accessible information for the Azeri minority in Marneuli
, 2022-02-15
Since May 2021 we have been supporting an initiative of the Union of Azerbaijani Youth of Georgia in the city of Marneuli. More than 20,000 twenty thousand people live in the city and the municipality of Marneuli has more than 100,000 inhabitants. Azerbaijanis are the main ethnic group, but Greeks, Russians, and Armenians can also...Read more
Media School in Abkhazia
, 2021-12-16
We have been unable to get to the Black Sea region of Abkhazia, where we have been supporting local civic initiatives and NGOs for many years, since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. But this did not stop us from organizing a Media School there in cooperation with our partners (Sukhumi Youth House). It was...Read more
VideoWay – how eco-activists learned about making caption videos
, 2021-11-25
​​Is it possible to learn how to shoot and edit a caption video in just a few weeks? The participants of the VideoWay online course proved that it is possible! The course brought together 24 environmental activists from Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus. The participants got active in October 2021: VideoWay consisted of...Read more
Stray dogs in Abkhazian towns
, 2021-11-25
For many years, in Black Sea Abkhazia the method of controlling stray dogs in the city was to shoot them right in the city streets. The city halls even paid hired gunmen “per head” for shooting dogs in the cities. NESEHNUTÍ supported two groups of local women – animal rights activists – who, through their...Read more
, 2021-06-26
On the occasion of the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, NESEHNUTÍ together with 15 Human rIghts NGOs sent open letter to express concern about grave human rights violations allegedly committed by police, prison officers and interrogators on prisoners in custody.
Nestlé must immediately stop funding state media in Belarus
, 2021-06-24
Nestlé must immediately stop funding state media in Belarus  Zurich, 24. 06. 2021  Open letter to Paul Bulcke, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nestlé  Mark Schneider, Chief Executive Officer of Nestlé  Dear Mr Bulcke, Dear Mr Schneider  We are writing to you today on behalf of 52 non-governmental organisations from 18 countries about Nestlé’s...Read more
Armenian local leaders training on participation
, 2021-04-22
It is important for us that the expert community in Armenia develops, that the public potential strengthens and the circle of potential partners expands. So we focus on developing skills of regional local leaders. Training in participation and facilitation of group work with the aim of strengthening the capacity of local experts in Armenia to...Read more
Program of support Georgia: Adjaria, Samche-Javacheti, Kvemo-Kartli and Kacheti
, 2021-03-15
Czech NGO NESEHNUTÍ and a Georgian NGO Abkhazintercont invite you to participate in the civil society support program for Georgia and offer a possibility to obtain support for your civil campaigns and projects for the period from May 2021 till April 2022. Program donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Eligible participants: NGOs,...Read more
The Way Towards Civil Society Engagement in Armenia
, 2021-02-23
NESEHNUTÍ is starting new three years project (2021-2023) in Armenia called The Way Towards Civil Society Engagement. The main aim of the project is to promote social transformation from the bottom through education of civic initiatives in the regions of Armenia. By supporting the development authentic initiatives, we want to increase their -professionalisation in the...Read more
Where are the peace voices in the conflict over Nagorno Karabakh?
, 2020-11-10
We want to bring to the public voices calling for peace resolution of conflict over Nagorno Karabakh.
Peace is priceless
, 2020-11-08
We appeal to both sides of the conflict for a peaceful dialogue and we call on civil societies to unite in the pursuit of peace. We greatly appreciate people who, despite growing hatred, speak out in public and call for a peaceful resolution.
Is Mykolayiv, Ukraine going to use renewable energy only?
, 2020-03-10
Several Ukrainian cities and municipalities already committed to transition to 100 % renewable energy, which should help to cut Ukrainian greenhouse gas emissions and slow down climate emergency. Civic initiative and newly registered organization Mykolayiv – City of the Sun wants their home city of half a million inhabitants to join suit.
Summer School of Civic Engagement in Abkhazia
, 2016-12-12
In September 2016 we organized together with Sukhum Youth House Summer school of Civic Engagement for 15 young people from Abkhazia.
Supporting Civil Society and Transformation in Caucasus Through Sharing Experience of Visegrad NGOs II.
, 2016-07-11
The project focuses on the development of democracy, civil society and cooperation while reinforcing the protection of human rights in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan through sharing experiences from transformation processes in Visegrad countries.
April workshops done
, 2015-05-25
n the second half of April, we organized workshops in Kutaisi and Sukhum. There were discussions with local activists on how to plan public campaigns to achieve success, how to use social networks and modern on-line tools. Georgian workshop contained one-day lesson about social entrepreneurship, abkhazian one about security in on-line communication.
Meeting of independent journalists in Kiev
, 2014-10-20
In two weeks, on 3rd and 4th November, a two-day meeting of regional journalists who are gathered under Hromadske.TV will take place in Kyiv. The participants will evaluate a work of Hromadske.TV on social networks under the leadership of Josef Slerka, an expert and head of Studies of Social Media at Charles University.
Meeting with the partners in Ukraine
, 2014-08-21
Between 20 – 28 July, the activists of NESEHNUTI met the journalists from Kremenchuk and Cherkassy, whose activities NESEHNUTI supports. Both journalistic initiatives belong to a network of civic televisions led by respected public television Hromadske.TV Kyiv. Together with them NESEHNUTI tries to contribute to the development of independent regional news outlets which practically do not exist in some regions of Ukraine.
In South Ossetia, a directory of non-governmental organizations was issued
, 2014-06-01
NESEHNUTI supported publication of the directory of non-governmental organizations in South Ossetia. Association of Women for Democracy and Protection of Human Rights issued the book, which has more than one hundred pages and was issued in a print of 200 copies. This unique publication describes the activities of charity, media, cultural, social, enterprise, sports, youth, medical, human rights and educational non-governmental organizations and civic initiatives.
Loesje campaigned against underage gambling in Kutaisi
, 2013-05-06
Research-Intellectual Club “Dialogue of Generations” and Kutaisi Youth Parliament held Loesje Action on 2 May, at 13:00, in Kutaisi Central Park. The aim of the event was to attract public attention to big numbers of gambling teenagers in Georgia.
Supporting on Caucasus: Campaign against Gambling and Campaign for Free Access to Information
, 2013-04-09
NESEHNUTÍ supports two new initiatives on the south Caucasus. The first one is a Campaign for Extensive Regulation against Gambling in Georgia. The main trouble is that there is almost no limitation of entrance for youth to casinos, gaming clubs and betting shops what leads to the addictions and considerable social problems.
Spring workshops in 2013 are being prepared!
, 2013-03-05
Schedule of spring workshops for civic initiatives on planning and leading advocacy campaigns, using new media and social networks, human rights and prejudices and other related topics is ready!
Which initiatives did we support in 2012?
, 2013-01-09
Do you want to know, which initiatives did we support in South Caucasus in 2012? Read more about helpline for teenagers, developing small businesses of rural women, promotion of vegetarianism, or campaign for a freedom of speech, fight against the speed demons and a project about inclusion of children with disabilities among others.
South Caucasus
, 2012-12-11
In 2012, educational trainings took place in the cities of Kutaisi and Sukhumi, which provided the local initiatives and independent media with new knowledge and experience in the areas of citizen participation, leading civic campaigns, using new media, other than grant funding of NGOs, as well as social entrepreneurship and security in electronic communication. When carrying out these seminars we shared our experience from the development of the civic sector in the Czech Republic.
Supporting Civil Society and Transformation in Caucasus Through Sharing Experience of Visegrad NGOs
, 2012-12-11
The project focuses on the development of democracy, civil society and cooperation while reinforcing human rights protection in Georgia and Armenia through sharing experiences from transformation processes in Visegrad countries. Workshops, small grants, couching and advisory, strategic planning, internships in Visegrad countries and networking by progressive on-line tools are activities for Georgian and Armenian civic initiatives and small NGOs (partly watchdog) being performed in 2013.
Statues in Brno demand release of Pussy Riot members
, 2012-06-08
Statues in Brno and Independent Social Ecological Movement (NESEHNUTI) expressed their symbolic support of detained members of Russian punk band Pussy Riot.
Grant and training opportunity for documentary photographers also from South Caucasus
, 2012-03-22
Approximately 10 cash stipends in the amount of $3,500 each will be awarded to photographers to produce a photo essay on a current human rights or social issue in the region.
Action in Prague: human rights evicted
, 2012-03-15
In the morning of 6 February, cars with furniture and slogans: “Human rights got evicted” appeared near the entrance of the Belarusian Embassy in the Czech Republic, marking the start of an action in support of human rights defender Ales Bialiatski and the Human Rights Center “Viasna”.
Workshop in Sukhum (20-22 April 2012)
, 2012-03-10
Sukhum, 20-22 April 2012: Workshop about planning and performing public civic campaigns, social networks and new media and its use in campaigns (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Vkontakte and other, less known on-line tools), and also security in electronical communication and on the Internet.
Workshop in Kutaisi (16-18 April 2012)
, 2012-03-10
Kutaisi, 16-18 April 2012: Workshop about planning and performing public civic campaigns, social networks and new media and its use in campaigns (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Vkontakte and other, less known on-line tools), and also non-grant fundraising of NGOs and social entrepreneurship.
Czech Photographer Vaclav Vasku visited Abkhazia. Look at the part of his exhibition Wounded Paradise
, 2011-10-15
Although seventeen years passed from the end of the war on Abkhazian independence, it seems like the fights ended up yesterday. In May, photographer of Czech newspaper Hospodarske noviny Vaclav Vasku went to Abkhazia with NESEHNUTI (Independent Social Ecological Movement).
, 2011-10-11
We have established cooperation with civic initiatives in Transnistria, organized three-day workshop with strategic planning and helped to start up a campaign for free access to information.
South Caucasus
, 2011-04-11
Two three-day workshops of transformational cooperation were held in Tbilisi and Sukhum. Czech experts shared their experiences in civic participation, democratic principles, human rights, fundraising, leading civic campaigns, media work and using social networks and new media in campaigns with 50 local representatives of NGOs and independent media.