The Initiative Way
Neglected countries,
neglected issues
neglected issues
About Us
In Czechia, civil society has already flourished. Now is the time to help in places where it is just developing.
The Initiative Way helps active people abroad to change their country for the better. We focus on Eastern Europe, mostly South Caucasus or Ukraine. We emphasize the promotion of the following values: human rights, environmental protection and animal rights. We support local initiatives through consultations and funding.
we have provided to the initiatives for their campaigns.
have worked with us in the South Caucasus and Ukraine.
of helping activists to change the world around them.
Stories of Help
Civic campaigns, which we implemented thanks to The Initiative Way programme, increased rating of our organization among local citizens and in the eyes of international donors.
Boris Kudar, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
The Initiative Way tought us what is a democracy in life. Even if you don’t reach your goal, you won, because during the campaign, you found allies and felt your abilities.
Larisa Horyslavets, civic campaign of journalists and activists “Open Access”, Kremenchuk, Poltava region, Ukraine
The Initiative Way program supported us at the very beginning of our journey. The support has become a basis for our rapid and long term development.
Rima Garibjan, Open Borders, Akhalkalaki, Georgia
Programme of Support
Are you a civic initiative or an NGO from South Caucasus or southern Ukraine? Have a more detailed look at our programme of support and if you think our programme could be relevant for you, don’t hesitate to contact us. You can also check our current open calls.
What's New
Program of support for initiatives in Armenia 2025
, 2025-02-10
Czech Non-Governmental Organization NESEHNUTÍ (, in partnership with Armenian organizations Center for Community Mobilization and Support ( and Civic Youth Center (, invites you to participate in the Civil Society Development Support Program in Armenia and offers the opportunity to receive support for your civic campaigns and initiatives from April 2025 to April 2026. Program...Read more
Програма підтримки в Україні 2025 року / Program of support for initiatives in Ukraine 2025
, 2025-02-05
Чеська неурядова некомерційна організація “NESEHNUTÍ” ( у рамках програми Шлях ініціативи ( запрошує Вас взяти участь у конкурсі на підтримку громадських ініціатив України та пропонує свою допомогу в організації Вашої громадянської діяльності. опис програми та аплікаційна форма тут Учасниками програми можуть стати: Громадські ініціативи, неурядові некомерційні організації, незалежні ЗМІ та неформальні об’єднання, місцеві асоціації та...Read more
School of Activism, Georgia, Kobuleti, September 24-29, 2024
, 2024-08-27
A Czech NGO, Independent Social Ecological Movement – NESEHNUTI, and Georgian NGO Abkhazintercont are organizing a School of Activism in Kobuleti from September 24 to 29. The focus of the School is advocacy campaigning in the fields of: protection of the environment, climate, nature; public participation in the decision-making process (especially young people), free access...Read more