
Transport in the city of Kherson

Initiative: NGO Transport in Kherson Region
Location: Kherson, Kherson region
Year: 2018

According to Ukrainian laws, certain groups of the population have the right to transportation free of charge on urban public transport - for example, pensioners or war veterans. In Kherson, however, it is difficult for such persons to claim this right, as just two of the nine carriers allow free transport. One reason is the non-transparent and not entirely fair system through which the city provides compensation to carriers for these "free" passengers.

This civic initiative, which has been focusing on public transport in Kherson Oblast for a long time, has designed a fairer system that would allow free transport for members of socially disadvantaged groups on all carriers while at the same time preventing corruption.

The result of negotiations, expert work by the initiative and a civic campaign is now the city's decision to unify the public transport system and ensure free transportation for those entitled to it. The decision also includes other improvements, such as the purchase of new trolleybuses and the equipping of all cars with real-time tracking devices.

Articles about the campaign: 12 (in Ukrainian)