
Campaign “Harchovyk stadium – the new life!”

Organisation: Youth center for regional developement

Place: Bilozerka, Kherson area

Year: 2015

Youth center is being led by two very enthusiatic ladies, Ella and Katerina, who organise summer school of social activities for several years now, through which they inspire young people to become socialy active. Young inciatives choose a topic during the summer school and they develop them into concrete projcets or campaigns.

We have worked on our campaign plan “Stadium Harchovyk – the new life!” with one of these ladies.  Its goal is  to help the public and local government to revitalize local stadium and convince local government to finance sport activites for kids and youngsters in the city more than they do now. Just as with other inciatives they want to use the opportunity of autumn communal elections, which will take place this october in Ukraine.