
Barrier-free City II.

Organization: Armenian Camp of Languages and Gliding

Location: Yerevan, Armenia

Years: 2014-2015

The campaign follows up on the successful campaign for barrier-free city supported by NESEHNUTÍ already in 2013. The initiative aspires to improve the situation in barrier-free access in Yerevan.

It has created an interactive map ( documenting the bottlenecks. It notifies the local government of these trouble spots and then uploads photos on the web map informing whether it has been redressed or not and if yes, then how. This activity as well as filing applications for information to the local government concurrently serve as civic monitoring by the initiative of the public budget and the earmarked funds for remedying the city’s pavements and stairs for use by disabled people.

These activities complement an information campaign and systematic promotion of the issue in the media.