
A Safe Trip

Organization: Sukhum Youth House

Location: Abkhazia

Year: 2012

Road transport is number one topic in Abkhazia: frequently in accidents adults, children and the elderly pay with their health or life for the behaviour of speeders and the violation of traffic rules. Therefore a campaign has been conducted publicly for several years already to make the issue more visible. In past years “traditional” means of communication were used, such as street advertising and TV reports and adverts. Besides an information campaign, the activities focused on prevention, which meant educating children and young people particularly about the importance of adhering to traffic rules. NESEHNUTÍ supported a project with this aim in 2011.

In 2012 we supported the development of an awareness campaign conducted with the help of new media – social media in particular (Facebook).  The public has the opportunity to draw everyone’s attention to examples of road safety violation and also can send their questions to road transport inspectors.

The Facebook group: Безопасная дорога в Абхазии (in Russian)