A Unique Collection Analysing Mechanisms of Pro-Kremlin Propaganda in the Central and Eastern Europe Released

, 2018-05-28

A unique collection offering detailed insight into how pro-Kremlin propaganda and disinformation work in Visegrad countries and the Eastern Europe is available now. It focuses on common as well as specific features of the phenomena of pro-Kremlin propaganda. Moreover, the collection presents also the initiatives and steps that were taken by different actors in the regions to face the propaganda. 

Czech organization NESEHNUTÍ has released a new collection called “Characteristics of pro-Kremlin Propaganda in Central and Eastern Europe and Practical Examples How to Tackle It” mapping pro-Kremlin propaganda in the Central and Eastern Europe. Seven case studies written by seven authors from Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Moldova, Transnistria, Poland and Hungary analyse the canals of pro-Kremlin propaganda and disinformation as well as the causes of effective resonance of the propaganda in the societies. The common feature of the propaganda across the given countries is intentional reminding of sensitive historical feelings, for example describing Ukrainian state as an existential threat for Eastern Poles or people living in Transnistria. The “alternative” websites in all mentioned regions revealing the truth about the EU supporting migration into Europe represents another way serving the same purpose – to awaken feelings of threat and create a sharp division of opinions in the societies. The collection also strives to present the examples of initiatives launched to deal with the pro-Kremlin propaganda. Especially Ukrainian, Moldovan and Slovakian case studies offer interesting steps which could be taken on a state and public level or in a private sector. One example for all could be a Slovakian initiative www.konspiratori.sk which has been launched by an advertising company.

The new collection is intended for journalists, organizations and active citizens engaged in the topic of pro-Kremlin propaganda mainly from Visegrad countries and the Eastern Europe. The collection is available in Russian and English language on the website initiativeway.org/propaganda.

„The collection clearly shows the mechanisms and tools used by pro-Kremlin propaganda are very similar in the countries of the Central and East Europe. The common feature seems to be searching for a sensitive issue which has the potential to create the feeling of a threat and to awaken emotions to divide the societies. Therefore, the propaganda often uses the topics which are not connected with Russia on the first sight. At the same time, the collection suggests the key element in creating successful strategy to strengthen the resilience of societies is an engagement of a wide range of actors and sharing experience across the borders. That’s why we consider the collection is of a great value since it offers the experience of countries of the Central and East countries in one place,” says Pavla Hofmeisterová from NESEHNUTÍ.


The publication of the collection was supported by International Visegrad Fund and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kingdom of the Netherlands.